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The Treasurer’s Global Guide to Investing Cash
The basic principle remains true when investing corporate cash: treasurers face a trade-off
between security, liquidity and yield. This Guide focuses on how to establish an appropriate
investment policy to manage that trade-off and on the effective implementation of that strategy.
The Guide reviews the principle stages in developing an effective cash investment policy:
1. Forecasting cash flows accurately.
2. Managing cash flows effectively.
3. Segmenting cash flows intelligently.
4. Establishing an appropriate investment policy.
5. Implementing effective investment management.
This fifth edition has been updated to take account of the current global economic situation. In
particular, the ongoing developments in the regulatory environment, faced by both treasurers
and providers, continue to add complexity to the investment decision.
This edition contains 44 country profiles, with detailed information on the products available and
tax and settlement considerations when making investment decisions.
HSBC Global Asset Management and the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) are
delighted to have collaborated in this new edition of the Guide and hope that it will be a useful
and practical reference both for those new to investing short-term liquidity and for those who
are already familiar with the subject through their work and ACT qualifications
Worldwide Country Profiles for Treasury Practitioners (WWCP)Worldwide Country Profiles for Treasury Practitioners (WWCP); Worldwide Country Profiles for Treasury Practitioners (WWCP).. (2017). The Treasurer’s Global Guide to Investing Cash (1 ed.). [No definido].
- Ubicación:Colección General - [No definido] - [No definido]
- Edición:1
- Ciudad:[No definido]
- Fecha Publicación2017
- Editorial:[No definido]
- Temas:[No definido]
- ISBN:[No definido]
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